What We Do

Our mission is to provide reliable medical reports for solicitors efficiently & accurately in order to remove the hassle from personal injury claims.

Medical Reports & Investigations

We can faciliate radiological investigations such as MRI, CT & X-ray scans. These investigations are carried out by fully qualified and trusted physicans & surgeons in a premium turnaround time. Once the investigation has been completed, David will be in
touch to deliver you the results & investigation conclusion.

Face-to-Face Medical Reporting

We can also facilitate in carrying out clinical appointments with our trusted team focused in Glasgow & Scotland.

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Benefits Of Using Us

We specialise in providing medical-legal services to claimants at the request of an insurer or law company.

We provide precision and accuracy to the finest level for our medical reports service to help settle injury claims quickly. We aim to deliver a full medical report within 7 days of assessment.

  • Agreed SLA (Response Times)

  • Aim To Deliver Full Report Within 7 Days

  • Access To Physical Sites (Glasgow/Scotland)